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Dialogue 1

A: Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order?

B: We did the best that we could to give you a low price. Did you get our latest estimate?

A: Based on the estimate you gave us, by the time we figure in transportation and other expenses, our profit is shot. With the offer you’ve given us, we’re making next to nothing. Can’t you do any better?

B: I’ve already given you a discount of 20% off of what we normally charge… if I go any lower, we’ll have loss on the project. I really want to work with you on this, but we’ve already gone as low as we could go.

A: To be honest… Our budgeted cost can’t exceed more than $150 dollars per unit. That’s our bottom line. If you can meet that price, you will get a deal. Otherwise…

B: I’ll say that… I’ll go over the numbers again with our financial team and see what I can do. I can’t give you any guarantees, but I’ll try.

Dialogue 2

A: You’ve got the email with all the specifications for the project from us, we’ll be accepting bids until noon on Tuesday, if you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know…

B: Actually, I do have a question. We’d like to know what you had in mind for a budget on this project. We’re hoping to put together a really competitive bid, but at the same time, we’d like to hit your target price too.

A: I understand, but unfortunately it is our policy not to disclose our bottom line. You can be assured that price is a weighty consideration when we review the proposals, but we also take other elements into consideration, including design and practicality. We also give weight to the reputation of the submitting company.

B: Do you have any price range? Is there any way you can give me some ideas of which direction to go, or how high is too high?

A: We are just looking for a reasonable price according to the specifications in our project blueprint. That’s all I can say.

安格英語老師認為學會迂迴是談判中非常重要的一項技能,而選擇何時亮出自己的底線也需要大家在職場中多年的實踐和學習才能夠靈活地掌握。而口語也需要大家每天的練習才能夠說的像native speaker一樣流利。


一、電子商務郵件的"六大部分",您真的知道每個部分標準而高效的寫法嗎?Fundamentals: six parts in first-class business correspondence

標題:精+確 Subject: brief + informative

稱呼:你們的關係+事件的性質 Greeting: your relationship + the nature of the matter

開頭:一語中的 Opening: put your purpose in the first sentence

細節:提供"所有的必需的"資訊 Details: provide "ALL the NEEDED" information

請求:清晰醒目 Future action: make a clear request

結尾:友好而開放 Ending: friendly and open

電子郵件中的禁區 Something you never do with emails

按 send 鍵之前,您確定要發這封電子郵件嗎? When NOT to send emails?

案例討論一:有技巧地催促同事按時交行程單 Case study I: Skillfully push the colleague to send the itinerary on time

二、 Barbara Minto文章的金字塔結構?Pyramid structure designed by Barbara Minto

為什麼在職場中需要使用金字塔結構? Why do we need to use pyramid structure in work?

-- 結論先行,可以抓住注意力,並避免誤解 Start the article with conclusion to catch attention and avoid misunderstanding

什麼是金字塔結構? What is pyramid structure?

--自上而下;垂直方向用問題-回答展開;水平方向用歸納(遵循 MECE 原則)或演繹展開 Top down; Vertical: question-answer; Horizontal: induction (MECE) or deduction

怎樣使用金字塔結構? How do we use pyramid structure?

--發散思維,畫出所有內容氣泡,找出氣泡間的邏輯,得出結論,將結論放在金字塔塔尖 List out all the bubbles, govern the bubbles by logic, make the conclusion and put it to the top

案例討論二:為進度報告、商業提案、工作計劃、競聘競升做金字塔結構 Case study II: Draw the pyramid structures for progress report / business proposal / work plan / promotion application

三、寫電子商務郵件時,您要遵循的語言特色上的"五個必須""Five Musts" for business English writing

--明確、清晰、積極、有人情味、有說服力 Specific, clear, positive, personal, persuasive

讓你的語言有說服力的魔力:說服八步驟 Persuasion skills: eight-step motivated sequence

秒殺中國式英語 Get rid of Chinglish

--使用向右延伸的邏輯、使用連線詞秀出邏輯、遵循 KISS 原則 Use right-branching logic, use transition words, KISS

案例討論三:向上級要批准 Case study III: Request a senior manager for approval

案例討論四:向客戶請求前去拜訪 Case study IV: Request to pay a visit to a client

四、如何溝通負面、敏感事件 Deal with negative issues

認識主要文化群體在傳遞負面、敏感事件的文化性格維度上的相應位置 Identify the main cultural clusters' positions on communication dimension

使用正確的語氣:左手拿鏡子,照自己的身份;右手拿放大鏡,剖析讀者 Use the correct tone: know your own identity and four types of business readers

"三明治結構"幫您消除傳達壞訊息時的尷尬 Use sandwich structure to make the bad news more acceptable

將您的"共情能力"表達在筆端,巧妙迴應憤怒與不合理 Show sympathy when responding to angry message and unreasonable request

案例討論五:討論一個敏感話題:辦公地點搬遷 / 派增新的工作任務 Case study V: Discuss a sensitive topic: office relocation/new job assignment

案例討論六:迴應同事的抱怨 Case study VI: Respond to a colleague's complaint.

標籤:商務英語 談判