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2023賞析廣告詞 篇1

























2023賞析廣告詞 篇2





3、不走尋常路——美特斯 · 邦威廣告詞


4、看成敗,人生豪邁,不過是從頭再來。—— CCTV 公益












10、 M&M 巧克力:不溶在手,只溶在口


2023賞析廣告詞 篇3

您若擁有雙羽,將不再有冬天! 雙羽牌羽絨服

超前享受,率領潮流! 佳衣牌服裝

讓你成為情人眼裡的西施! 佳衣牌服裝

當你在尋求高品位時,你就會發現佳衣! 佳衣牌服裝

銀都時裝,國際名牌! 銀都牌時裝

穿伊人裝,做自由人! 香港伊人牌服裝

天天絲織品——絲絲入扣! 天天牌絲織服裝

濱哥冬衣,運動從這裡開始! 濱哥牌運動服

貨比眾家,方知“金羊”最佳! 金羊牌服裝

時代目標追“真舒“,“真舒“風采魅全球! 真舒牌羊毛襯


浪渡時裝,伴君乘風破浪! 浪渡牌服裝


2023賞析廣告詞 篇4

1. 來我們這兒,你就會真正知曉女人的心。 揚森製衣

2. 充滿民族特色的日本和服。 工農牌服裝

3. 您若擁有雙羽,將不再有冬天! 雙羽牌羽絨服

4. 任憑虎嘯豹孔,為獨金羊行俏! 金羊牌服裝

5. 重塑你童年時代的媽媽! 風雅牌服裝

6. 皇太子恤衫並非皇家所獨有。 東方太子恤

7. 一個微笑加一個“賈森“,你便擁有全部。 賈森牌泳裝

8. 擁有飛蝠,飛來鴻福! 飛蝠牌夾克

9. 瀟瀟灑灑雪夢萊,年年歲歲有風采! 雪夢萊牌服裝

10. 自然柔和的美感,彷彿戴上神祕的面紗! 印度紗質洋裝

11. 瀟瀟灑灑雪夢萊,“一年半截“有風采! 雪夢萊牌服裝

12. 呂宋------更顯您的風度! 呂宋牌服裝

13. 國營老牌是金照,還是金照靠得牢! 金照牌服裝

14. 卡斯萊德牌運動服是在體育場上縫製的。 卡斯萊德牌運動服

15. 雄威三重保溫,更曖冬季促銷廣告語,更柔。。。。。。 雄威製衣廠

16. 大哥大西服------吸取天地靈感,裁剪都市形象。 大哥大西服

17. 一流品牌的男裝離你不再遙遠,而他的魅力,益發難以抗拒! 綽約服裝

18. 佐丹奴服裝廣告語:隋溢夏夢! 愛,就是奉獻! 把世界的色彩帶給您!

19. 個性風格的典範。 飛鷹服裝公司

20. 大哥大西服,西服中的大哥大! 大哥大西服

2023賞析廣告詞 篇5

1. 消炎藥廣告詞快治人口——(膾炙人口)

2. 熱水器廣告詞隨心所浴——(隨心所欲)

3. 止咳藥廣告詞——咳不容緩(刻不容緩)

4. 摩托車廣告詞騎樂無窮——(其樂無窮)

5. 營養液廣告詞——口蜜腹健(口蜜腹劍)

6. 太平洋保險公司的廣告詞是平時付出一滴水,難時擁有太平洋!

7. 某公共場所禁菸廣告——“為了使地毯沒有洞,也為了使您的肺部沒有洞,請不要吸菸。”

8. 某公路交通廣告——“如果你的汽車會游泳的話,請照直開,不必剎車。”

9. 某新書廣告——“本書作者是百萬富翁,未婚,他所希望的物件就是本小說中描寫的女主人公!”

10. 某汽車陳列室廣告——“永遠要讓駕駛執照比你自己先到期。”

11. 某交通安全廣告——“請記住,上帝並不是十全十美的,它給汽車準備了備件,而人沒有。”

12. 某化妝品廣告——“儘快下‘斑’,請勿‘痘’留。”

13. 某洗衣機廣告——“閒妻良母!”

14. 某酸汁飲料廣告——“小別意酸酸,歡聚心甜甜。”

15. 某印刷公司廣告——“除鈔票外,承印一切。”

16. 某鮮花店廣告——“今日本店的玫瑰售價最為低廉,甚至可以買幾朵送給太太。”

17. 某美容院廣告——“請不要同剛剛走出本院的女人搭訕,她或許就是你的外祖母。”

18. 某招聘廣告——“招聘女祕書,長相像妙齡少女,思考像成年男子,處事像成熟的女士,工作起來像一頭驢子!”

19. 餃子鋪“無所不包!”

20. 石灰廠“白手起家!”

2023賞析廣告詞 篇6

1. 沐陽童——共同的記憶。

2. 就是陽光的感覺。

3. 父母給寶寶的愛——沐陽童。

4. 陽光童年,無所不在。

5. 永遠倍受陽光喜愛。

6. 童年七色光。

7. 精彩童年,陽光無限。

8. 沐陽童——沐浴愛的天使。

9. 多點陽光,多點愛。

10. 沐浴美好童年。

11. 沐浴陽光童年。

12. 沐浴陽,別樣的舒適。

13. 同樣的幸福。

14. 沐陽童——每天愛你多一些。

15. 沐陽童,更陽光。

2023賞析廣告詞 篇7

X幼兒園地處……,實行園車接送,園內環境優美,交通便利,裝置齊全,是教育局正式批准成立的正規化學前三年教育基地。該園本著 “一切為了孩子,為了孩子的一切”的宗旨,使幼兒在德、智、體、美、勞諸方面得到全面發展。以“為幼兒一生奠定良好基礎”的理念,創名牌、創特色、爭一流,逐步形成“生活中的教學”和“快樂學習”的教育特色。






4.地 址:

5.聯 系人:X老師

2023賞析廣告詞 篇8

This holiday, can not go to Paris, can not dream of the princess, then do his queen it! With supple silk skin, graceful graceful posture, exquisite beauty of the nose, exquisitely carved bright eyes - with a quarter of evolution to capture the romantic life. Only for this moment, to "he" the most beautiful date.

With fine delicate face, slender beauty of the nose, white supple skin, graceful graceful figure - in exchange for the charm of the world, with beautiful light crown cover the city gorgeous, this season, Wanjia Denghu, a bright, appearance US Allure.

Breast is the pride of a woman, a woman's charming and graceful, because the breast set off and show more moving, love life, so love breasts, not only for you to present the perfect moment after surgery, your breasts provide life-long Protection, so that your beautiful life, to maintain life, vitality Feng Ting, care of life.

I want the beauty is not to maintain a moment, would like to speak Hydrocarbon chest flat, loose, sagging defects, in the running, jumping, sitting, lying in bed distributed charming charm, in the years tick feel long-lasting breast charm.

Deep spring peach, see your white flawless face, bright smile, charming, enchanting, turned, your transparent skin for my temporary temptation, then, only to the spring season, and you meet again.

Woman flowery, thin management as vases, so that women enjoy blooming beautiful! Faster, more accurate, more secure, more durable, smoother, weight-loss management, safety liposuction, slim, now, a shape, refused to rebound, Come enjoy it.

A woman's summer, is the season of the charm of competition, but the summer is also not perfect for some women to bring distress. In the cool busty clothes conceal the physique of the season, how to shape the perfect curve. So that the chest upright fullness, slim and slim waist, in this charming summer to turn himself into a beautiful landscape?

You have been looking forward to the perfect moment of the bride bloom?You are still reviewing, for the bride's flawless beauty? Exquisite figure, swaying self-confidence, snow porcelain skin, sparkling glory, stare beautiful eyes, flowing honey, white teeth lips, blooming joy.

Wine, coffee, elegant life, everything, looks beautiful, until inadvertently found under the shallow possession of the eye bags under the smile, in fact, beauty and life, need to carefully manage.

Skin is a woman to the United States of the coat, such as bright Blizzard-like crystal whitening, such as shelling eggs as flawless and tender, dream of perfect skin you can have.

Successful women are more concerned about the image, Washington, Ming Pao can bring out the elegant temperament, and youth beautiful face is your tool to ride the mall, enhance the cup, create sexy focus, shape charming cleavage, small woman have great wisdom.

Men like to race against time to make money, women like to compete with the time anti-aging. When a lot of money to buy a variety of expensive wrinkle cream, but always can not stop the time that the blade in the face of the mark, the smart woman how to quickly and effectively eliminate the years left in the face of traces, The pace of it?

2023賞析廣告詞 篇9














我們始終堅持質量第一薄利多銷的真誠服務宗旨,讓消費者買的放心 用的舒心,以最低的價格買到最好的手機。


2023賞析廣告詞 篇10


2、過一個屬於我們自己的節日! xx牌兒童套裝

3、歡笑伴童年! 夢牌童裝




7、夢蕾娜兒童服裝,新一代兒童的追求! x牌童裝


9、讓小寶貝在““中幸福成長吧! 童裝

10、人生之路,童裝起步! xx牌兒童套裝

11、舒兒紙尿布——寶寶穿的開心,媽媽選滿意! 舒兒紙尿布

12、童裝要穿“童的夢”! xx牌童裝

13、向陽童裝,天使風采,兒童用品,向陽獨佳! xx牌童裝





2023賞析廣告詞 篇11

休閒品味之火鍋 海岸生活之潮流


親朋好友涮得火辣,心滿意足留香回家 不求傾倒少數,旨在麻翻大眾




親朋好友涮得火辣,心滿意足留香回家 “您來啦?


精品火鍋城, 好吃在川渝



川渝火鍋城 傳譽火鍋城





不到三觀亭,枉到銀灘;不吃三元紅,枉到三觀亭 愛徵集網一鍋三元紅,香滿銀灘


2023賞析廣告詞 篇12

New Arraval,New You——中國臺灣The Mall




利客來商貿——利惠顧客 共創未來!






大統百貨: 統領時尚 引爆流行




河南南陽金妮亞超市:歡樂購物金妮亞 微笑服務進萬家










華銀旺和 以客為尊


讓顧客滿意,超越顧客期待. 百匯購物,溫馨倍至。




2023賞析廣告詞 篇13

1.M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 只溶在口,不溶在手。 (M&M巧克力)

nd that healthy smile, there's a crest kid. 健康笑容來自佳潔士。 (佳潔士牙膏 )

is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天長地久。 (斯沃奇手錶)

yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是溝通。 (愛立信)

t ahead. (Rejoice) 成功之路,從頭開始。 (飄柔)

gs go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola) 飲可口可樂,萬事如意。 (可口可樂)

ecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人為本。 (諾基亞)

8.A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 鑽石恆久遠,一顆永流傳。 (第比爾斯)

uito Bye Bye Bye. (RADAR) 蚊子殺殺殺。 (雷達牌驅蟲劑)

10.A Kodak Moment. (Kodak) 就在柯達一刻。 (柯達相紙/膠捲)

2023賞析廣告詞 篇14

1、 家好共嘗餅中極品,月圓見證品質承諾

2、 十五團圓閤家歡,中秋月餅話神仙! x月餅

3、 月是故鄉明,餅表思親情! 中秋月餅

4、 傳統風采,回味無窮!中秋月餅

5、 每逢佳節倍思親,中秋之月大團圓! x月餅

6、 月色柔和的涼爽中秋. 中秋月餅

7、 月是故鄉明,x月餅表濃情! x月餅

8、 月圓中秋,人圓月下.x月餅,送給你最真情的相逢

9、 月圓天下,品嚐美味.x月餅,你中秋的最好選擇。

10、 佳節共賞天上月,中秋一品人間情. x月餅,送給你最真情的中秋 .

11、 月圓天下,品嚐美味.x月餅,你中秋的最好選擇.

12、 一份好心情, 盡在品味中 .x月餅,送給你最真情的人生品味!

13、 每逢佳節倍思親,x月餅為您送溫情

14、 送情意,中秋禮上禮。

15、 天涯共此時 千里共嬋娟

16、 海上生明月 天涯共此時

17、 中秋閤家歡 佳節大獻禮

18、 伴著一輪明月,就可以浪漫一生,x月餅——月亮代表你的心。

19、 月是故鄉明,情是親人濃,一份好禮傳達永遠的祝福!

20、 雙節連壁、喜慶回饋——共和國生日燭光裡的中秋濃情

21、 喜迎國慶、歡度中秋

22、 平分秋色——x月餅迎國慶促銷

23、 同喜同賀中秋國慶 同歡同樂精彩世界

24、 三喜臨門——『賀中秋』『迎國慶』『隆重開幕』

25、 “歡樂三重奏”--中秋國慶喜相逢 小家大家共歡樂

26、 禮情款款 歡度佳節

27、 歡樂國慶歡樂頌 滿堂紅禮樂翻天

2023賞析廣告詞 篇15









9、溫柔體貼 只有free


11、多一分體貼 少一分不安






18、用過就會知道 FREE才是你想要



21、有草莓、有清新22、密封拉鍊,鎖住草莓 鎖住健康



27、給自己一份貼心的呵護28、輕鬆自如 告別尷尬29、要想飛的更高就選Free30、草莓總有那麼幾天看你


35、你的祕密 你的自由

36、你懂的自由 懂你的自由37、最簡單的歸屬,最貼心的呵護








45、Free·飛衛生巾-感受自由,feel free













2023賞析廣告詞 篇16

1. 做新潮男,讓生活動起來。

2. 做讓女人心動的服裝。

3. 自我做主,我行我酷。

4. 著裝繽慕,凸顯帥酷。

5. 追求我自我——繽慕。

6. 值得依靠,懂得欣賞。

7. 這就是我的繽慕,這就是我的風采!

8. 彰顯男人個性,引領時尚潮流,點燃新的激情,活出你的味道!

9. 張揚個性,體現魅力。

10. 雲想衣裳花想容,我們能想只有繽慕。

11. 原來男裝可以這樣穿——繽羨!

12. 依然繽紛的愛慕,依然是繽慕。

13. 衣之繽慕,通往時尚。

14. 衣隨心動,動亦不動。

15. 衣流繽慕,男裝之途。

16. 一樣的世界,不一樣的人生。

17. 一分自信,一分風度。

18. 野性的魅力,繽慕懂你。

19. 仰慕你的風采。

2023賞析廣告詞 篇17

1, orange flavor

2, strawberry flavor

3, with a sweet Durex, the woman's lips provoke the bees

4, "tadpoles" who are sacrificed, frog mother mulberry heart cried.

5, I'm sorry, "tadpoles" who are dead

6, baby carriages more expensive ah, inappropriate

7, men and women have numerous words, the male key parts of the words "brain" (with thinking there), women's mouth is written "good taste"

8, the key can be inserted into a completely different shape of the hole in it?A lubricant to help ok

9, l condom, designed specifically for some people.

10, male + female = nothing, do not worry

11, pay attention to the key words overload, heaven

2023賞析廣告詞 篇18

First, the company profile

After many years of development, has established a comprehensive quality management, scientific brand marketing, a mature sales network and efficient after-sales service. System, is committed to providing Chinese consumers with a dynamic, a type of sports life equipment. The face of a high degree of homogeneity of the industry competitive situation, Dell's sports industry in line with the trend of life, extreme sports as the carrier, the interpretation of freedom and vitality, challenge beyond the spirit of the brand; to show the trend of the streets, highlighting the young, cool brand personality , Qingli build the trend of China's sports life industry brand.

Second, comprehensive analysis

Third, the development of internal:

(1), the spirit of enterprise

Del Hui-Footwear Co., Ltd. uphold the "quality of survival, the credibility of development" business ideas, the implementation of brand strategy. Del Hui people soberly aware that only build first-class brand, first-class corporate culture, is the magic weapon of the modern enterprise. The company has always been adhering to the people-oriented, and create a family atmosphere, to build a warm home management philosophy, in the company to create a relaxed, friendly and honest human environment, creating a humanistic concern, mutual trust between employees, between upper and lower barrier-free communication, leading cadres Mutual exchange of views of the harmonious atmosphere, in order to promote the harmonious development of modern enterprise family culture to build a platform. The company has nearly 10,000 square meters of cultural venues, including medical rooms, libraries, table tennis room, basketball courts and other places, to facilitate staff to carry out amateur sports activities, and the purchase of table tennis, color TV sound, VCD and other equipment,Activities of the normal development to provide a guarantee; investment of several hundred thousand yuan on the staff canteen conducted a comprehensive renovation and transformation. Each year with "51", "11"

And other holidays, organized by the staff basketball, table tennis, poker games, chess games And other activities, greatly enriched the amateur cultural life of company also pay attention to labor protection, caring for the health of employees and so on. Company employees also reflected in the care of the conscious attention to meet the psychological and spiritual needs of employees. The company regularly selected a number of outstanding awards in recognition of employees, loyal employees, advanced technical staff and other activities, greatly stimulated the staff love the enterprise, love the work of enthusiasm and promote the harmonious development of enterprises, and have been higher authorities as advanced grass-roots level Trade unions, workers advanced enterprises, advanced grass-roots party organizations such as a number of honorary titles.

After more than 20 years of Del Hui people's efforts, the company in 1999 was "well-known trademarks in Quanzhou City," the title in 20xx was named Fujian famous brand and brand-name products in Fujian in early 20xx, and in 20xx and 20xx for two consecutive years Was awarded as "Double Excellence Enterprise Award" by China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment. In 20xx, it was appraised as the "National Exemption Product Quality" by China Quality Inspection and Quarantine Administration. In 20xx, it was awarded "China Famous Trademark" and "China Famous Brand Product "of the honorary title.

(2), e-commerce In 20xx, the company identified the development of e-commerce channel development strategy. After a period of careful preparation, the company decided to officially landed e-commerce in 20xx.1.8 to Del Hui Taobao official flagship store as a breakthrough, started Dell e-commerce first battle. The market speaks on the ork is a brand to the rapid development of the guarantee. Del Hui's market correction is from 20xx, gradually from the wholesale market to the retail market, is the brand building needs, but also the brand to mature an important step in the overall layout of the head office, the number of retail outlets is our 20xx Year in the network construction of the rigid targets in various provinces and cities nationwide, in line with the principle of point to point in a very short period of time, 3500 retail outlets to build up, in this process, we almost did not take any detours.

(3), sales channels

Integrated sporting goods enterprises, is committed to sports shoes and accessories and research and development, production and marketing, is committed to providing Chinese consumers with fashion sports life equipment, and establish a comprehensive quality management, scientific brand marketing, mature sales network and efficient After - sales service system. Sales network, is an important factor in the development of the brand. Del Hui in the next year or two, while ensuring the basic security of the network, it will strive to establish an orderly operation, point and surface layout of the appropriate network system.

(4) the attitude of stability and progress

Into 20xx, Del-Hui companies stressed the importance of ensuring the number of retail networks at the same time, vigorously strengthen the quality of the retail network, store image as an important symbol of high-quality retail network. Del Hui in a very short period of time, introduced the image of Del-mei store standards, with this specification, so that dealers have a basis around, Sichuan, Nanchang, Quanzhou, Changchun flagship stores have been established, Del Hui's image has been obvious . With the growing maturity of the brand, Del benefits on the brand image of a more in-depth understanding of the surface of the vigorous, it is better to do some practical things down. In fact, to win the maximum profit, is the most convincing image, unrealistic to establish the image of the store over the standard, and finally make ends meet, difficult to support, hastily withdraw troops, this is a blow to the confidence of dealers, The impact of the brand will be very profound. Therefore, Del Hui company stressed that where to build shops, build a large number of stores, input-output ratio is much ... These problems should have a scientific and objective demonstration process, not hastily launched.

(5), enterprise competitiveness

As the special development of Jinjiang, most of the lack of corporate management personnel, the original management tools, management concepts backward, management has become the "bottleneck" of enterprise development. Into the brand competition is an important stage, many companies recognize that the management level will be involved in the competition and win the competition is a crucial factor. Mature enterprises need to have a reasonable core of the spirit. Management is an important condition for the formation of the spirit of enterprise. As a sporting goods company, with the spirit of sporting spirit of the corporate philosophy, corporate culture even more indispensable. For Del Hui, we can learn from the example of their ten years, or even decades of exploratory business practice for us to explore a successful management experience. Quality management, talent management, production management, customer management, financial management, logistics management, information management, etc. must be coordinated development, not neglected. Comprehensive strength is our guarantee for sustainable development.

Fourth, external factors

(1) celebrity endorsement

Delve Chinese famous brand ------ by the superstar "Jay Chou" image endorsement; full three-dimensional advertising investment, advertising including CCTV, local television, entertainment, sports and so on. Del Hui and Jay Chou and other stars through a number of entertainment programs and closely linked to social hot events in the movement elements on the basis of adding fashion, entertainment, leisure and other trend elements, the formation of the most differentiated product positioning, segment competitors, from the same Quality competition come to the fore.

(2) China National Mountaineering Team official strategic partner (3) reshape the brand and the Olympic business opportunities

After the Spring Festival in 20xx, the Chinese veteran class sports brand Del Hui LOGO, advertising language, brand English name and so quietly changed. These are just a prelude to Dell's brand promotion strategy. This year, Del Hui will set off a continuous three-year brand to enhance the storm, and all this goal, will point to the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games to bring sports opportunities.

In the process of brand strategy promotion for Del Hui, we found that shaping a strong brand to promote the development of enterprises to avoid price war and improve the premium, is the inevitable choice of sports shoes enterprises.

Heavy advertising packaging, light brand overall strategy has been a major weakness of Chinese enterprises. As a veteran of the Chinese sports brand, Del Hui did not indulge in recent years to achieve results, recognizing the current crisis situation. From 20xx onwards, according to the new brand strategy planning, Del Hui from the brand, marketing, human resources, terminal market, graphic design, space design, production management and other seven aspects of integration, and around the brand awareness, image and other eight aspects Promotion.

One of the most intuitive performance is, Del Hui's advertising content has changed: the original English name for the branding of the alphabet "DEERHUI" into "DEER-WAY", advertising language "my personality" also replaced the "ON THE

WAY. LOGO English culture, will be the development trend of local brands and trends, the new English name is also more international, fashion sense, trust and sense of quality, is conducive to improving the brand's premium capabilities. Further reflect the brand positioning and core values, is conducive to the continuous improvement of brand image.

This year, Del Hui plans to add more than 700 stores, will use all the new decoration style. According to industry practice, a brand every two to three years, will store the store to upgrade the style, or even a face-lift. From the beginning of this year, Del Hui plans to use 3 years, the 2,000 stores across the country to gradually replace the new look.

(4), according to the flavor of the times, in the development of change

Speaking of why such a huge investment in human and material resources, the implementation of such a huge brand promotion strategy, Del Hui brand spokesman explained that the international sports brand, always according to different times breath, and constantly on the original meaning of the brand new upgrade and interpretation . In fact, with the arrival of the 20xx Beijing Olympics, the entire industry in the past two years in the rapid development of adjustment, the international brand from the raging, the domestic brands are constantly progress and enhance. If you do not grasp this opportunity, with the Olympic sports craze fade, this golden opportunity will be difficult to have. From the wholesale market fade out, is a painful choice, which means that part of the vested interest to give up, wholesale is a double-edged sword, simple process, you can put profits into the bag, and brand value in the process Serious damage, because the laissez-faire of the terminal, wholesale sales of a serious shackles of brand consolidation and expansion. Del Hui company to take the principle of walking on two legs, the use of geographical advantage in wholesale, while efforts to develop stores, shopping malls into the counter, to June 20xx statistics, Dell retail network has covered 85% of the local area. The formation of the retail network for Dell's brand promotion to create the basic conditions.

V. Summary

A hard work, a harvest. Del Hui to a placid calm and steady, quietly tapping the potential in the sneakers market, and has made gratifying achievements. Del Hui has access to the best image of Chinese enterprises AAA level, China International Leisure Products and Technology Exhibition Gold Award. 95 years was named hundreds of millions of people's favorite products - footwear Gold Award. 99 years, "China Quality Miles," the quality of fixed-line activities of the unit, in 20xx was named the famous brand in Fujian Province, access to Changsha Sports Expo business, showing two gold medals. In the future development of the new milestone, Del Hui Group will work together to continuously improve the internal management and brand management mechanism. As always, adhere to the brand development of the Road, in order to continuously accelerate and expand the implementation of Dell brand strategy, and strive to open up and innovation.

2023賞析廣告詞 篇19

1. 國家富強人民安居樂業。

2. 人民民主增進主人翁意識。

3. 政治文明黨群似魚水。

4. 國家文明世界永稱雄。

5. 和諧社會百戰百勝。

6. 和諧國家築起鋼鐵長城。

7. 人民當家作主盡享歡樂。

8. 平等博愛上善若水。

9. 公正鑄就公僕形象。

10. 公正贏得萬人仰慕。

11. 依法行事上下和睦。

12. 有法可依事事如意。

13. 堅持社會主義法治從嚴治黨。

14. 愛國要從小事做起。

15. 愛自己才稱得上愛國家。

16. 敬業是業精的前提。

17. 認真學習就是敬業。

18. 誠信鑄就人格。

19. 誠信廣交諍友。

20. 友善一生,愉悅一輩子。

2023賞析廣告詞 篇20











