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As many of you may know, I am a first-generation college graduate – I’m proud of it. My family had very little money. We lived in a small town.

And try as I might to fit in, I always felt like an outsider and often was treated as one. My father was an immigrant, and the only person around who spoke with a strong foreign accent. In elementary school, I was the only Jewish girl.

And…and one day – I remember this vividly – in fifth grade, I learned just how easily false stereotypes about minorities can arise.

That’s when another blond-haired, blue-eyed girl moved into my class. My best friend Diane took one look, turned to me, and said, “Oh! She must be Jewish, too!”

My hometown may not have understood or celebrated diversity, but it treated me and my family respectfully.

I never took that for granted given my father’s escape from Nazi Germany. My parents even joined with others in neighboring towns to create the first synagogue.

Wonderfully…wonderfully…wonderfully dedicated and caring teachers helped prepare me for college. And I couldn’t wait to go.

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Cook’s most important message actually went beyond climate change. Expanding the discussion to how young people can filter out the “political noise” and find their real goals, he encouraged them to fight against what today’s tech giants—including Apple—want them to see and regain their own perspective.

“If you find yourself spending more time fighting than getting to work, stop and ask yourself, ‘Who benefits from all the chaos?'” Cook said. “There are some who would like to believe that the only way you can be strong is by bulldozing those who disagree with you… We forget sometimes that our pre-exiting beliefs have their own force of gravity. Today, certain algorithms pull toward you things that you already know, believe or like. And they push away everything else. Push back! It shouldn’t be this way.”

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Commencement is a milestone—one of life’s landmark occasions, a time when graduates, family members, and friends gather to celebrate past and future.

At the University of Michigan, Spring Commencement is a festive, campus-wide event where graduates are recognized by their school or college as a group, and honorary degrees are conferred. In addition to Spring Commencement, which all graduates are welcome to attend, each school, college and campus hold individual ceremonies to celebrate their graduates’ s of 20xx, Congratulations!

I join your professors, family members and friends in expressing my utmost pride as we celebrate your accomplishments as the newest graduates of the University of Michigan.

Graduates, you did it!

Each one of you earned a place here – and you made the most of it.

I know that for many of you, the road to get here was not easy. Perhaps you traversed some potholes along the way.

I have it on the highest authority, however, that these potholes are about to be filled, and the roads are going to get fixed …

But for those of you who are first-generation students, military veterans, or from communities, cities and towns that don’t send many students to Michigan – I hope you are especially relishing this day.

As members of the Class of 20xx, all of you have conquered the rigors of our curricula.

You exceled in your studies, your research, your advocacy and your service. You found ways to navigate central campus, when we decided to renovate the LS&A building and the Union at the same time. And you even survived a polar vortex – with not one, but TWO, days of canceled classes.

Since we are here, you must have used that time to study.

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when I finally arrived on campus, I was in for a surprise. In fact, I was stunned. I had never before in my life felt poor. As a scholarship student, suddenly, I was surrounded by people who were so astoundingly rich! I was also fascinated by this and other differences – different faiths, politics, ethnicities, and culture.

And sure, at times it was uncomfortable. There were many moments I just wanted to turn around and go back home to my mother’s warm embrace – and also her great home cooking!

And like every one of you…every one of you, I made the best, most important choice of my life: I would pick up the threads of differences to weave myself a new community.

This would become my cause, my mission, my identity. I had found my purpose, rooted in beloved community.

I was inspired by the work of Dr. Martin Luther King. He called upon us all to embrace inclusion, love, and justice. He preached the soul force of nonviolent protest.

He warned against the perils of tribalism, of clinging to the familiar and holding sacred the status quo.

King famously addressed his…go ahead…he famously addressed his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” not to his jailers, but to his “fellow clergymen.”

He challenged them to reject the status quo. In King’s words, we find the essence of beloved community, recognizing that: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

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我叫陸,是技術學院xx年期間,我更是惜時如金,不斷從各方面嚴格要求自己。"知識就是未來",除了完成大學的教學大綱要求, 我還大量涉獵各方面的知識。通過看報、聽廣播、看電視、上網、與老師、同學討論等等,不僅擴大自己的知識面、增長見識,而且幫助自己正確地樹立了人生觀、價值觀:對社會做出自己的貢獻! 通過全面,系統的學習,我不僅理解和掌握了文祕專業這一領域的相關知識,而且還具備了一定的實際操作能力和技術。三年來,老師的教育及個人的努力下,我具備了紮實的專業基礎知識,系統地掌握了祕書寫作、祕書語言與交際、公共關係、辦公自動化、祕書學等專業課程。同時也擁有一定的分析和設計能力。






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Tim Cook addresses Tulane University graduates at Commencement 20xx at Mercedes-Benz Superdome on May 18, 20xx in New Orleans, Louisiana. Josh Brasted/Getty Images

On Saturday, Apple CEO Tim Cook, who was recently acclaimed as an even better leader than the legendary Steve Jobs, carved out a morning from his very busy schedule to deliver a commencement speech for the 20xx graduates of Tulane University in New Orleans.

Back in February, when Tulane confirmed Cook as its commencement speaker for this year, the university’s president Mike Fitts touted that the Apple CEO, who enjoys the reputation as one of the world’s most workaholic bosses, “represents the kind of success we hope all of our graduates can attain.”

But as soon as Cook stepped up to the podium on Saturday, his message to Tulane’s graduates became the very opposite of what was expected of him—instead of presenting himself as a role model for the young graduates in the audience, Cook encouraged them to challenge older generations’ successes and to find their own.

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In the walls of ice, in the thrones of iron, we see a mirror for our times.

We recognize our own world, where too many live for their tribe alone. Where too often, we listen only to those who think, look, and believe as we do.

Where the game seems rigged against open and free exploration. We hear too few dissenting voices, and we consider too few conflicting views. But remember: None of this is inevitable.

We can glorify our own tribe to the exclusion of others. We can build up our walls, and we can cast down those who are different.

Or we can better use the strength in our hearts and the power in our hands.

Our many identities and beliefs: We make these our threads. Our diverse backgrounds and goals: They become our loom.

From this world of differences, we can weave a tapestry of communities.

Weaving…yeah…weaving is hard work, especially when we interlace many into one. Our identities may clash. Our beliefs diverge. We disagree over where we want to go. We argue about the best way to get there.

But when – together – we embrace the challenge, the cloth of human understanding grows more resilient. We craft something stronger by far…by far than iron thrones and walls of ice.

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