

八年级英文自我介绍 篇1

My name is , this year 18 years old, just in high school. I'm of medium, 1,66, row 10th in the class again, long short nose, hands feet too big, a pair of eyes are not big, blue eyes special, a big mouth special can say, as long as you said, said an hour is also no problem, is neither tall nor short, not fat or thin body. In general is handsome. I go to school in Beijing , our school uniform is not good-looking, all is blue, so special good recognition, a see be a middle school student. My advantage is moved, love exercise every morning I go out, run, play with the horizontal bar, etc., so, I'm in the school sports especially good, I learn also is not in question, the math test has never been under 90 points, my English is good too. So, my face always be permeated with the expression of joy.


My weakness is not playing basketball, also don't know to what it is, just don't like, and I was always absent-minded in class, do not pay attention to the lecture. So, the teacher called me, I'm full of confidence to stand up, eighty percent are on the whole, of the teacher, gas and laughed. This is me, as long as a see me, I always smile, I will warm you and say "hello", come on.

八年级英文自我介绍 篇2

My name is , years old this year, reading in jiangsu gaoyou beihai middle class x. I'm not tall, also not fat, has a black head of hair, curved eyebrows, inlaid with a pair of big eyes.

I like music, especially like playing erhu. As long as there is I know the tune, will pull. The adults kua I also really a little music cells. I have heard, flattered. My advantage is seriously preview and review your lessons at home. I seriously carry out every time the teacher assigned homework. Mathematics with draft paper to check it again? So, my grades are ok. My weakness is afraid to speak up in class, when the exam is not careful. Take the second unit test language, for instance, I will write some words are written wrong, write off the topic composition yet. So the exam is not ideal. I have been trying to get rid of these shortcomings, strive for a better student. I especially like to bet on someone else. Lose, du mouth can go through. If I win, laughing eyes turned into a thin seam. On one occasion, my classmate and I bet, the classmate say money 200 yuan, I thought: "who would have so much money ah, time-sharing is brag". Let him put the money and have a look. Sure enough that I expected, he said to me: "I'm lying to you." At this moment, I smiled and shouted: "I won! I won!"

When I was a child, my mother often blame me: "you naughty boy!" Grow up, I often self-mockery: "I this person ah, that's it." What kind of? With the students: "you this man ah, such a geek!" Sometimes, I hope they can grow up quickly, do some earth-shattering event, let the people around you are all astonished. But sometimes, and hope you never grow up, do their parents of the little princess.

八年级英文自我介绍 篇3

I'm Lai Xueqing, graduated from 6 (4) class, my disposition lively open and bright, I am learning are among the best in the class, and I in the class members, labor committee member, discipline, as a Chinese, English group leader, enthusiastic counseling team player's position. As a language learning committee member, I can is responsible earnestly, assistant teacher, help the students improve language result. I to work

The identity of the member can do carefully monitored good classmates clean the classroom every day and the health of the health, to keep the campus clean and tidy, clean; Every week can do arrange health, and every day to check the health, let us more fresh air. English group leader should have the condition is serious and responsible, hand the homework in a day, and so on, I can do it, I came to school on time every day, supervise and urge the students homework, and then sign to carefully check students' homework. Should be a disciplinarian is hard to do, but I overcome this difficulty, all stop the calm, use their own actions to prove I can do it.

Outside the classroom, every afternoon I went to help those students whose English almost a little, patience to teach them, and let them to learn English, and English in a good friend. In class, I can do concentration, don't gossip, listen earnestly, actively raise your hand to speak.

At home, I was a sensible, caring little girl, I will listen to your mom and dad's, and every day I will wash the dishes, do household chores, other father mother also kua I am sensible and hardworking. I no matter in any field, I can also be honest, I can also show filial obedience parents, love the motherland, unite classmates, respect teachers. Believe I will be better tomorrow!

八年级英文自我介绍 篇4

hi ,我的名字叫郜晓婧 ,今年 15岁, 是一名八年级学生 ,在七年级时有好多老师到把我叫成郜晓倩 呵呵 我喜欢的女生是 那种单纯 善良 温柔的 因为我的脾气有点不好 我喜欢的男生是那种比较幽默的 呵呵 我妈妈在家总是说我不会做事 所以她老说我笨 我就对同学说 我的好同学说 笨笨的女孩是天使呵呵 还有我的兴趣是听故事【鬼故事】虽然有时还是很害怕的 但我每天几乎一个人在家 我是不是很勇敢呢?呵呵 我也很爱好睡觉 每个星期天都要睡到上午10点 呵呵 我喜欢看动画片和青春偶像剧 我的学习也很一般搬但我以后努力滴 我对待事情从来都是马马虎虎的难怪考试会失败 这也是我的一大缺点 我不服气那些仗着权势乱欺负人的男生女生 这样的人真的很讨厌 自以为是 哼 我更讨厌势利眼 我不喜欢有些学习好的欺负学习不好的 你他妈是人 你有爸爸妈妈宠 人家就没有吗?切 !!! 我喜欢那些温柔 的老师 虽然现在的老师都是为了钱 但我们一定要努力 !

八年级英文自我介绍 篇5


我有一头乌黑发亮的头发,喜欢梳一把马尾巴。我有一个椭圆形的脸蛋,像一小鸡蛋,在那椭圆形的脸上,长着一双又大又灵的眼睛,眼睛里的黑眼珠,像一个黑葡萄。我的鼻子高高的,嘴巴红红的,一说起话来就没完没了,我真喜欢妈妈给我的这张脸。我今年十二岁了,是家里的独生子,也是家里的“掌上明珠”,爸爸、妈妈平时都爱宠着我。 我在班上的学习虽然谈不上数一数二,却是小有名气,我的人缘也很好,班上有一大半的同学都是我的好朋友,其中还有我的“知心朋友”。我不仅朋友多,而且兴趣爱好也多的不得了,有:“画画、玩电脑、游泳、弹钢琴、看书。我最喜欢看书了。我很小的时候,爸爸就给我买了许多的识字手册,还经常给我读一些故事书,可以说,我的童年就是在书海中度过的。随着我年龄的增长,我家的书也越来越多,现在我家就象一座小图书馆,到处都是书,我自己的书更是多得数不胜数,整整放了两个柜子。

虽然我平时一向很节约,但是对买书却毫不吝啬,只要是我喜欢实用的书,而且不是很贵,我一定会马上买下来。有时候我遇到一本好书,又因为价格太贵而不能买,我一定会翻来覆去地看好几遍才甘心,所以每次我一进书店,都要看上大半天。高尔基曾经说过:“书是人类进步的阶梯”。而我也坚信:好书能伴我一生。我常常因为看书而误了其他的事情,因此爸爸、妈妈经常开导我说:“看书要学会适而可止”。为此有时我也很伤脑筋,想来想去,我下定决心,以后一定要学会克制、克制再克制! 这就是我,一个爱读书的小女孩

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