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姚:good afternoon ladies&gentlemen! welcome to our party, now are you ready? show time!!!


感謝我們中班年段的爸爸媽媽們給大家帶來開場舞。我們的爸爸媽媽都很贊噢,你們開心嗎? t: thank you lovely father and matter.

t: what is the festival day?

p&c: thanks giving day

today is thanksgiving day; we have lots of words to say.

親愛的爸爸、媽媽:thank you mummy

感謝你們,領我來到這生機勃勃的世界。thank you to give me life

感謝你們,每分每秒都跟隨在我身邊,thank you to stay with me whenever

感謝你們, 陪我遊戲,伴我成長。thank you daddy, thank you to help me grow up.

感謝你們,讓我的童年撒下歡聲笑語。thank you to make me happy.

你們就像天上的太陽和月亮,永遠照耀着我,關懷着我。 you look like the sun; like the moon, shining me, caring for me.

太多太多的感謝,説也説不完,你們永遠都是我最親最愛的人。 lots of the thanks i want to say, in all, daddy, mummy, you are my closest person .i love you forever.
