




这本书主要将的是马奇家的四个不同性格的女孩通过自己的善良和勤劳找到了自己幸福的故事小说没有跌岩起伏的情节,没有引人入胜的悬念,但作者用朴实的语言描写了马奇家的天伦之爱。们的善良,对爱的忠诚及对亲情的渴望深深地感动了我。 作者只描写了生活中很平凡的细节,是但却处处显露出对爱对美好生活的憧憬。

马奇家的女孩虽然家里贫寒, 但她们却对任何事都有积极乐观的态度。 小说强调了她们的个性与尊严,但有表现出她们的自我表现约束, 而独立自强有是这四个女孩的共同特点她们总是在不停的找出自己的缺点并努力改正。 这也是值得每个人学习的。

我喜欢梅格,喜欢她为爱情甘于贫困, 不为金钱所诱惑的性格喜欢她淑女风范。我喜欢乔, 喜欢她的无拘无束, 喜欢她为梦想而努力奋斗的坚定不移的决心。 我喜欢贝思,喜欢她的恬静,做任何事都毫无怨言,喜欢她总是为别人着想的善良品德。 我也喜欢艾米喜欢她的坚强, 把扶贫济穷当作己任的信念。 她们的理想与命运个不相同, 但她们都找到了自己最好的归宿。

在她们看来,家是她们的生长之地, 又是神圣的避难场所。们回仔细聆听母亲的教诲,回用自己灵巧的双手聪慧的大脑发明一个又一个富有创意同时又能美化心灵的游戏。四姐妹的成长历程仿佛是一首富有趣味的教育诗。 作者用既不华丽也不枯燥的语言想我们展示了人类伟大的亲情、 友情和爱情。 在我看来, 似乎在四姐妹的眼里, 永远和她们爱的人和爱她们的人生活在一起就是天下最幸福的事。

从她们身上, 我学会了坚强, 学会了要懂得知足但不能满足我学会了要对未来永远充满希望, 并努力追逐梦想的乐观精神。 我同样也学会了要加倍珍惜所拥有的,不要等死去失去了才知道它们的难能可贵。 我们应该细心发现每个人的优点而不是带上了有色眼睛只看到别人的缺点。

梅格、乔、贝思、艾米她们四个坚强、乐观的精神将永远贮存在我的心里。 她们的微笑回永存在我的脑海中, 提醒着我, 要坚强,要有一颗纯洁的心


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9年级暑假读后感英语作文:《小妇人》英语读后感小妇人读后感(4) | 返回目录



little women

before i read this book, i had watched a cartoon movie made by japan. so i have a strong interest on it.

it all begins in the dead of winter; the christmas season. the coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. while her husband is off at war, marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: jo, meg, beth, and amy.

on christmas eve, marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls' father. the all gather together around the fire to read the letter. afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

jo is longing to become a writer. so, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. as morning comes she is the last one awake. the table is set, and food prepared for their christmas feast.

as dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out jo's play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. as they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

the 2 oldest girls: jo and meg, get ready to attend the christmas ball. while jo is curling meg's hair, there is a strange smell to the air. amy screams, megs hair is being singed. they continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

one of the prominent themes in little women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. during the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. one question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by alcott. if they aren't, what are alcott's views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

it is interesting to examine the last half of chapter 20, "confidential." jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with marmee of the situation between meg and mr. brooke. the possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. jo cannot understand why meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense."

小妇人读后感400字:《小妇人》读后感小妇人读后感(5) | 返回目录





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《小妇人》英语读后感小妇人读后感(7) | 返回目录

Little Women

Before I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan. So I have a strong interest on it.

It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season. The coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy.

On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls' father. The all gather together around the fire to read the letter. Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

Jo is longing to become a writer. So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. As morning comes she is the last one awake. The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast.

As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out Jo's play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. As they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

The 2 oldest girls: Jo and Meg, get ready to attend the Christmas Ball. While Jo is curling Meg's hair, there is a strange smell to the air. Amy screams, Megs hair is being singed. They continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. One question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by Alcott. If they aren't, what are Alcott's views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

It is interesting to examine the last half of Chapter 20, "Confidential." Jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with Marmee of the situation between Meg and Mr. Brooke. The possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. Jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. Jo cannot understand why Meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense."

9年级暑假读后感英语作文:《小妇人》英语读后感小妇人读后感(8) | 返回目录



little women

before i read this book, i had watched a cartoon movie made by japan. so i have a strong interest on it.

it all begins in the dead of winter; the christmas season. the coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. while her husband is off at war, marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: jo, meg, beth, and amy.

on christmas eve, marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls' father. the all gather together around the fire to read the letter. afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

jo is longing to become a writer. so, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. as morning comes she is the last one awake. the table is set, and food prepared for their christmas feast.

as dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out jo's play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. as they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

the 2 oldest girls: jo and meg, get ready to attend the christmas ball. while jo is curling meg's hair, there is a strange smell to the air. amy screams, megs hair is being singed. they continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

one of the prominent themes in little women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. during the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. one question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by alcott. if they aren't, what are alcott's views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

it is interesting to examine the last half of chapter 20, "confidential." jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with marmee of the situation between meg and mr. brooke. the possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. jo cannot understand why meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense."


